
The Shaolin Nun 3

Created by JC Carter

Missed the Kickstarter? You can still support us and pick up issues 1-3 in printed or digital formats! Don't miss out!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Shaolin Nun™ #3 July update
almost 2 years ago – Mon, Jul 11, 2022 at 12:19:43 PM

We're done!

Issue #3 is finally completed! 

I'll be sending out the digital editions through BackerKit TODAY! 

The book will go to the printers this weekend. 

Rewards will be sent out to you between now and the end of August. 

For those of you in Utah, I'm going to arrange meet-ups at Dr. Volts and The Nerd Store so you can pick up your rewards and get a personal thank you from me. 

Eleven of you won't receive your rewards.

I still have eleven backers who never completed their BackerKit survey. 

Which means I don't have your mailing address or a way to distribute your rewards to you.  Of those eleven, there are four whom we still haven't gotten your pledge. 

Not to worry! You can still complete your survey and pay your pledge (if necessary) by clicking this link:

The next campaign

For issue #4, I'm going to have the art team start drawing the book as soon as we find our replacement member, and won't launch the next Kickstarter campaign until we're done with principal artwork. This will hopefully reduce the time it takes for you to get your rewards. 

I'll notify all backers of our next launch, once I know when that will be!

June Update - still waiting
almost 2 years ago – Tue, Jun 07, 2022 at 05:41:00 AM

Where's the book? 

We are just TWO pages away from sending issue #3 to the printer. The last page of story and the cover for issue #4. Neither of which have been drawn or even thumbnailed at the time of me writing this. The issue looks great so far. But it's only so far.  We appreciate your patience. 

In other news...

There's been a "shake-up," and you'll be seeing a new member of the creative team for issue #4. 

Who will that be and who are they replacing, you ask? Patience, grasshoppers, all will be revealed in time. 

I can tell you that the person leaving the book, has asked to move on. They wouldn't even listen to my pleading and begging for them to stay. 

Whom I replace them with is someone I'm choosing very carefully, and haven't come to a decision about yet.

How's that for a double-vague update? 

I hope I will have good news for all of you before the end of June! 

May Update - 3 pages to go
about 2 years ago – Mon, May 02, 2022 at 03:57:57 PM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.

April Update: Almost there!
about 2 years ago – Sat, Apr 02, 2022 at 11:41:19 AM

Where's issue #3? 

We're now at page 20/22 of the illustrated pages. Page 17/22 of the colored pages. So much for my March shipping deadline. Hopefully you're only waiting until the middle of this month for us to ship. 

What's taking so long? 

This happened!

[BURBANK, CA – March 10, 2022] – Today DC, Milestone Media and WarnerMedia, in collaboration with Ally, announced forthcoming plans for The Milestone Initiative Talent Development Program, set to begin March 15. The program creates access and opportunity for Black and diverse storytellers in the field of comics.

The 10-week program will offer participants opportunities to learn from industry experts and sharpen their storytelling skills to become part of the upcoming generation of great comic book writers and artists. WarnerMedia Access will provide the participants with training in equity and inclusion so it will be instilled in them as they hone their creative mindset. The immersive training program will be comprised of a virtual technical course through the prestigious Kubert School and an in-person seminar at DC’s offices in Burbank, CA.

Look at the bottom row, fifth photo from the left. See a familiar face from the back of issue #1? 

That's right, my prediction that DC or Marvel was going to snatch up Greg the first chance they got is starting to come true. But he's still committed to The Shaolin Nun, so please be patient with the delays while Greg is taking advantage of this tremendous opportunity!

Between that and his day job, I'm happy that we're up to page 20! What's coolest for me is that seminar in Burbank. If we can swing it, I'm going to fly out to L.A. and we're going to take a quick tour of Chinatown to get a better feel for the location and people in the book. 

A Mei Yin special appearance is coming soon!

Friend and all-around-awesome guy Charlie McElvy wants to do something special for his upcoming Spider-Squirrel Annual. I had joked that we should do a Shaolin Nun meets Trash Panda team up. And that's now going to happen! Look for an 8-page story featuring Mei Yin meeting Trash Panda and fighting ninjas, in the annual scheduled to Kickstart sometime between August and September. I'll let you all know when that Kickstarter launches.

No sweet Brandon Sanderson money for us

ICYMI, fantasy author Brandon Sanderson wrote a bunch of books when he was locked down during the pandemic, then launched a Kickstarter campaign to "see what would happen." What happened was that he raised OVER 41 Million Dollars! And then, just to show his gratitude, he Shared the Love by backing all the literary projects on Kickstarter.  But I didn't have a campaign up. 

What makes me think he'd back our book? Like me, he's from Utah, and he's also a friend of a friend. So the odds were pretty even. 

Just a few hours left to back The Surgeon

Laurie Foster's Unlikely Heroes imprint has the latest issue of the Surgeon out (don't worry, you can be like me and buy the first 4 along with #5). They've shot well past their stretch goals (here's hoping we do that for issue 4 of The Shaolin Nun), and are (as of this writing) over $9,500.00. Let's help them hit $10k before the campaign closes. When's that? TODAY! The project ENDS at 5:39 PM ET / 4:39 PM CT / 3:39 PM MT  / 2:39 PM PT! 

So click that link and back back back them! 

As always, if you're one of the 17 who haven't completed their survey, you're not going to get your rewards or get mentioned in the book. It takes about 5 minutes to complete. So click here: and get it done!

Kickstarters to back while you're waiting for issue #3!
about 2 years ago – Mon, Mar 21, 2022 at 06:20:18 AM

Big Jack is a series I've been following on Kickstarter, since it launched when I launched Shaolin Nun. 

I have issues #1 and #2 (they're great!), and this is the FINAL issue (all three are available)! The campaign is $1,369.00 from hitting its goal with only SIX DAYS LEFT (as of this writing). I know that pain! 

Help Peter out by donating to his campaign. Help him end this run on high note! Back BIG JACK #3!

The Surgeon from our friends at Unlikely Heroes Studios! 

This awesome series is well into its stretch goals, with one of those goals giving away a digital copy of Shaolin Nun #1 (I know you don't need that, but it's cool anyway, right?) All five issues are available through the campaign! Back The Surgeon #5!