
The Shaolin Nun 3

Created by JC Carter

Missed the Kickstarter? You can still support us and pick up issues 1-3 in printed or digital formats! Don't miss out!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

New T-Shirt Designs!
over 2 years ago – Wed, Sep 15, 2021 at 01:28:36 PM

We've got lots of awesome t-shirt designs for this campaign! 

When you back us at the following reward levels, one of those designs could be yours!

  • A T-Shirt and a Comic Book - $50
  • Initiate Bundle - $100
  • Acolyte Bundle - $200
  • Warrior Bundle - $400
  • Disciple Bundle - $500
  • Dharma Successor - $1000

Check out the available designs!

Available in all the colors of the rainbow!

You can also select your size (Small through 4XL), and your t-shirt color. 

Please note, the Mugfull Coffee T-Shirts have limited colors.  

If you select the t-shirt add-on, you'll get the Main Logo T-Shirt in black ONLY, so if you want your choice, you may need to upgrade your reward selection.

Which will you choose?  

Great start, but we need to keep going!
over 2 years ago – Thu, Sep 09, 2021 at 08:20:51 AM

The early-bird special is almost over (ending at 12:00 AM September 11), so if you're on the fence about backing us, you only have a couple more days to take advantage of the sale!

But hey! That doesn't mean the campaign is over! We're going to the end of October. So even if you missed the early-bird, we NEED your support. 

It's time I told you about our campaign goals

Our funding goal is $6,000.00

We have to reach that by October 31, or we don't get anything and will be forced to start over. 

Of that money, nearly $5k is allocated to paying our talented artists just for this issue. The rest? It goes to printing and shipping the rewards. I don't pocket a dime. This is, has, and always will be, about paying my artists. 

We'd like to hit that goal early. 

$6k by September 30

This ensures three things: 

1. Greg, Laurie, Lala, and Andrew can start working on issue 3. 

This will get the book done and in your hands by the promised delivery date of March 2022. 

2. We move from a fundraising goal to a bigger stretch goal. 

A few months ago, we were invited to submit a short comic book story to the Unlikely Heroes' anthology: "Elsewhere vol 3." It's a tremendous opportunity to expand the world of the Shaolin Nun and introduce a character who will eventually be a central figure in Mei Yin's world. We get to introduce her in this story, but that means I need to pay my talented artists for the 12 pages we want to submit. Our deadline for submission is "end of November." That means I need to get the artists working on that story even earlier than issue 3. And if that happens YOU WILL GET TO SEE IT BEFORE IT GETS PRINTED! It will be a digital stretch reward.

3.  YOU get so MUCH MORE for your donation! 

Every stretch goal that we reach will ensure either a digital or physical reward is sent to you. You don't have to increase your donation, just donate at a reward level (digital rewards will get digital stretch goal rewards, physical rewards will get all the rewards) and it will be automatically sent you! 

The other goal is YOU!

When I can finally take the completed project to a prospective publisher, I also get to take all of you with me. The more of you there are, the more likely the publishers will accept the book and distribute it far and wide! So even though you may already have a copy, you can have bragging rights when your friends tell you about this "new comic book series" they're reading. You were there at the beginning and YOU were the reason they're able to read the series! 

So help us push! 

If you've already donated, you're a rock star! But if you read through all of that, you KNOW you want us to not only succeed, but to EXCEED! So please help us get the word out! Tell family. Tell friends. Tell casual acquaintances. TELL TOTAL STRANGERS! Tell them to come over here and back our book! 

In the coming weeks of the campaign

I'll share Greg's newest art print featuring our characters from the short story I was telling you about. 

I'll talk about each artist and their works, not just on Shaolin Nun, but everywhere. 

I'll continue to thank you for your generosity and belief in our book!

Do you have any questions?

Want to know more? 

Want some behind-the-scenes information? 

Are you a previous backer and want to talk about issues 1 and 2? 

Leave a comment and I'll include it, and respond to it, in my next update! 

We hit the 48hr goal on the first DAY?
over 2 years ago – Thu, Sep 02, 2021 at 07:14:52 AM

Our issue 1 campaign reached $539.00 from 15 backers on its first day. 

Our issue 2 campaign reached $406.00 from 12 backers on its first day.   

On the FIRST DAY of the issue 3 campaign we’ve cleared $1,173.00 from 36 backers! 

The majority of whom are returning fans!  

I’m humbled, and grateful that you all believe in this project and want to see it continue. 

Amituofo to all of you! 

So let's keep this momentum going! Tell friends! Tell family! Tell total strangers! To run over here and back The Shaolin Nun! Let's see if we can fund this project BEFORE the early-bird special ends on September 10!


We got this honor from Kickstarter right after we launched! 

If you have a Facebook account, you should check out Greg's interview on INKING WITH QUIQUE!

We're LIVE! Help us reach our 48 hour goal of $1k!
over 2 years ago – Wed, Sep 01, 2021 at 09:46:04 PM

Will you help us by donating today? 

Why wouldn't you, when you were so smart to come here today? 

Why wouldn't you, where there is an early bird sale from now until September 10th? 

So select a reward level and watch this campaign grow!