
The Shaolin Nun 3

Created by JC Carter

Missed the Kickstarter? You can still support us and pick up issues 1-3 in printed or digital formats! Don't miss out!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

99% SIX DAYS TO GO - We're Not Bulletproof
over 2 years ago – Sun, Oct 24, 2021 at 05:16:03 PM

I mostly took the day off from campaigning yesterday. It was good for my health. 

Today I woke up to discover some folks had made adjustments to their pledges (which I totally understand), knocking us back down to BELOW our funding goal (less than $50, but still below), and proving that we're not "bulletproof" just yet. 

It's why we want to push to $500 - $1000 over the fundraising goal. 

In a week, Kickstarter will assess if we've met our goal. If we lose anymore backers, or have further down-sizing adjustments, I worry that we won't make the funding goal. And since it's "all or nothing," it means we'll get nothing. We need that cushion of $500 - $1000 or more to ensure we are funded and able to deliver issue #3 to everyone!

So even though we're $50 short, let's push through to that first stretch goal! 

Last time, I showed off the design for our stretch goal sticker, but after looking at it for a few hours, I went in and improved it: 

This will be, like the main Shaolin Nun logo sticker, a high quality vinyl sticker that will hold up against all kinds of abuse. So yes, you can stick this onto the outside of your travel mug and when you hand-wash it the decal will stay there! We can't guarantee "dishwasher safe." It's most likely that you'll lose your sticker. But since most people hand wash their travel mugs and water bottles, your sticker should stay on until you decide to peel it off. And even after that, if you're careful removing it, you can likely transfer it to another surface and have it live there as well! 

This sticker will be sent to everyone who has backed us at a physical level WHEN WE REACH THAT $7,000.00 GOAL! 

Not backing us at a physical level? Never fear! I'm sending everyone a digital wallpaper when we reach that goal, as well, so everybody will get something! 

So get out there this week and "SELL SELL SELL!" bring everyone you know to this campaign. Tell them that if they think someone else will support us, someone already did, and now it's their turn! Let's push this last week to get us over the top! 

over 2 years ago – Fri, Oct 22, 2021 at 12:02:57 PM

I posted today's update, walked away from my computer for all of 10 minutes and we're FUNDED! 

Thank you to Doug and Clarity for taking us over the top! 

So to amend my last message, lets make this weekend about getting us to our first Stretch Goal! 

Get us to $7k and everyone will get a prize! First, the awesome (I think) smartphone wallpaper will go to EVERYONE, regardless of reward level! 

And for those who back us at a physical level, I'll drop a new MUGFULL COFFEE sticker into your order!

EIGHT days to go and 91% Funded!
over 2 years ago – Fri, Oct 22, 2021 at 11:28:40 AM

We are getting so very very close! Let's push to make it to 100% funded by the end of the weekend! 

Some stats

I'm always interested in what rewards people select. I think we've got some pretty cool rewards and I can only improve on them with future Kickstarters. Remember, if one of these "strikes your fancy," you only have EIGHT SHORT DAYS to make a change! 

  • No Reward - 7 backers.
  • Digital Copy of #3 - 22 backers.
  • All Things Digital - 24 backers. - MOST POPULAR
  • Printed #3 - 20 backers. 
  • Printed Set - 20 backers.
  • A comic book and a t-shirt - 15 backers.
  • Initiate Bundle - 4 backers.
  • Original Art Card from Gregory Maldonado - 1 backer.
  • Guest Appearance - 3 backers.
  • Acolyte Bundle - 1 backer.
  • Disciple Bundle - 1 backer. 

No takers yet: Warrior Bundle ($400), which gets you all 4 of Greg's amazing art prints, and the Dharma Successor Bundle ($1000) that gets you EVERYTHING, and a character named after you! In all honesty, nobody's taken that one yet, but I'm holding out hope that Keanu Reeves, or someone who can afford to drop a grand, finds us. I mean, imagine if six of those folks showed up on the first day of the campaign? 

I'm grateful for all of our backers. If there is a different reward you'd like to see for issue 4's Kickstarter, let me know. Maybe something you've seen on another Kickstarter? All suggestions are welcome, and I may just use them in our next campaign! 

This week's plugs:

The year is 1969. Ramsey is an aspiring comic book artist who is  trying to find inspiration for his femme fatale. When he meets wild dancer, Regina, at a street fair he invites her into the woods for a character photoshoot where she begins to break on through to the other side.

Our own Laurie Foster (Inks) was so inspired by this series that she did a photo shoot as Regina to cross promote for Miss Medusa's Monstrous Menagerie. Check it out!

Coming Soon... 

Our friend, Evan Black's series is moving onto issue #2! (Don't worry, issue 1 will be available). I'm always delighted by superhero comics that take place in my home town. Evan does it all, and the work looks really great! Jump on and save this project so you can back it on the first day!

And Now For Something Completely Different...

My good friend Hugh McArthur, FSA Scot, has written a book about growing up in Scotland and his encounters with its many natural wonders! I was able to read an early draft of this work, and it's simply wonderful. No Kickstarter involved in this, just go to Amazon to pick it up:

We're Not Done Yet!

We're only at 91% with less than $600 left to fully fund the book. So help me make this weekend a big one for us! Drag friends, family, acquaintances, total strangers, random encounters, etc. here to help support us! I would like to hit the funding goal by the end of the weekend! 

Of course, we can't stop at $6k. Not just because we want to keep going, but Kickstarter and BackerKit will take their cuts, so it's better to be $1k over just to cover those. I have a couple of awesome stretch goals prepared if we can do that, which will include something for everyone! 

We've got a week. Let's make it a successful one!

85% Funded and NINE days to go!
over 2 years ago – Thu, Oct 21, 2021 at 09:08:37 AM

Just a quick reminder that we'll be LIVE today on Facebook!

You should be sure to watch us tonight: 8 PM ET / 7 PM CT / 6 PM MT / 5 PM PT! 

See Charlie McElvy stressing as he prepares for Baltimore Comic Con while promoting his Kickstarter Campaign for Spider-Squirrel 2! 

See Laurie Foster calmly tell us all about the stretch goals for Miss Medusa's Monstrous Menagerie (yeah, they funded in a day)! 

See me, and possibly Greg, once again asking that everyone helps us reach our funding goal for The Shaolin Nun! 

We'll all be offering special incentives for those who back us or increase their donations during the livestream! We'll answer questions from viewers and generally have a great time*, like we always do! 

Here's what I want to see happen today

I want to fully fund today! I want to have my final donation that puts us at $6,000.00 happen during the Livestream if possible! If it happens before that, that's fine too, of course. But think of the victory dance you will get to witness if that happens! 

How can you help make that a reality? PROMOTE PROMOTE PROMOTE! 

Because Facebook does what it does with siloes and algorithms, I think I pretty-much talk to the same 20 people every day (and you've all already backed me, because you're the awesomest of awesome friends and family). But I'm just one of the 20 people that YOU talk to. So promote that link on your own Facebook pages, and let your other 19 people know that there will be incentives and just general tom-foolerly that they'll enjoy, and they can support some great* artists by joining in! 

I mean, what's on TV that will be as fun as this tonight? 

*results may vary.

79% funded, 11 days to go!
over 2 years ago – Wed, Oct 20, 2021 at 10:40:14 PM

As always we're looking for people to jump on and back us at the first physical tier: "Printed Issue #3" to help kick us over the top! We now need just 38 new backers to do that and we're fully funded! 

But if you have already backed us, you may be wondering if there's something you can do to make sure we fund and you get to read issue #3. There are actually a few things you can do: 

1. Tell your friends, family, and total strangers about it. Let them know there's ONLY ELEVEN DAYS LEFT, so they need to back us today! 

2. If you can, raise your pledge. You'd be surprised how far a couple of bucks from everyone could go. Maybe be an absolute legend and go up a reward tier? 

3. Rather than just increasing your donation, get something for it by selecting one of our Add-ons

More Kickstarters from our friends!

Were you a Power Rangers kid? Or a fan of Galaxy Quest? Imagine if Power Rangers met Galaxy Quest, in that the former actors of Power Rangers suddenly find out it was all real. That's what you get with...

Super Scouts from your fellow Shaolin Nun backer, Ryan Little, explores exactly that. And right now, he's got the collected edition on Kickstarter!

That's right, all three issues of Super Scouts in a 105 page book! 

Also, Miss Medusa

When I picked up the Unlikely Heroes Studios' anthology: Elsewhere, Vol 2, one of the stand-out stories for me was Miss Medusa's Monstrous Menagerie. It was so captivating and immediately captured my imagination. It's filled with mythical creatures in the modern world. Well, "modern" as in the 1960s. But that still qualifies as Urban Fantasy, right? In many ways it was like a Sandman story arc that I never got to read. And its Kickstarter launches TODAY! Click to be notified.

Oh, and speaking of Miss Medusa...

We're going to do another LIVE broadcast this Thursday, October 21, featuring myself, Greg, Laurie, and Charlie again, as we talk about our Kickstarter projects, offer special incentives to anyone backing or increasing their backing, and just generally have fun talking about comics! This will only be on Facebook. Click here to get a FB reminder:

I would love, love, LOVE it if we hit our funding goal before Thursday, but I can't do that unless we get THIRTY-EIGHT people to back us between now and then. On average I see between 2-4 people/day, and that's not going to cut it, unless they're all coming in at the $400 level. 

Barring that, the next coolest thing would be to hit our funding goal DURING THE BROADCAST. 

Either way, I want to be funded by Thursday, so we can get into the stretch goals and I can relax!